Beautiful Biophilic STP's

Gone are the days of smelly, noisy and ugly Sewage Treatment Plants. See above pictures of beautiful STPs with biophilic design ( Holistic principles to create a human centred approach that when applied improves many of the spaces that we live and work in today)

ECOSTP Technology

This section contains all the details about ECOSTP - Zero Power, Zero Odour and Zero Chemical Sewage Treatment Technology. White papers and videos explain everything you need to know to deploy a sustainable sewage treatment solution.

Space Calculator Wizard

ECOSTP space calculator self-service wizard allows users to arrive at space required for the sewage treatment unit within minutes, so that everyone in the company can take advantage of data driven decisions. Our intuitive drag and drop interface is the perfect way for any member of your team to calculate the space.

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ROI Calculator Wizard

ECOSTP ROI CALCULATOR calculator self-service wizard allows users to arrive at ROI and Cost Savings by using ECOSTP within minutes, so that everyone can take advantage of data driven decisions. Our intuitive drag and drop interface is the perfect way for any member of your team to calculate the savings.

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Power & Coal Saving Calculator Wizard

ECOSTP being a natural solution, we do not use any electricity for running the STP - which means we save on power and fossil fuels (coal ). This simple calculator shows the amount of power saved in KiloWatt Hour and also Tonnes of Coal saved per year for any given capacity compared with conventional STPs.

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ECOSTP - 20 Differences compared to Conventional STPs


ECOSTP, our waste water treatment technology makes use of gravity and other natural gifts unlike pumps/blowers used in conventional treatment plants. As a result, the ECOSTP is cost effective, has lower operational and maintenance expenses and can be designed to suit existing land use planning - unlike conventional plants, the space above the ECOSTP can be used for parking lots, playgrounds, landscaping etc.The treated water adheres to all PCB norms.

Yes - Our clients have received CFE ( consent for establishment ) and CFO ( consent for operations )

The Kit comprises of
1. Design Drawings : "Developing design and working drawings AutoCAD® original drawings"
2. Rumen Digester Filter Media : "Attached growth filter media used in Stage 3. Circular recycled plastic media "
3. Bacteria Inoculation : "Custom Bacteria inoculation - Anaerobic bacteria consortium "
4. Civil Engineer visits : "45+ Six Sigma Quality Checks to ensure flawless implementation. Execution ownership"

The DIY kit contains very detailed lego model work instructions. Though installation is done by the client we 'own' the system end to end. We have a rigorous Six Sigma based 45+ QC checks overseen by our Six Sigma Master Black Belt to mistakeproof the installations.

In layman language - Conventional Motor based STPs technology is putting fecal matter in a tank and do ‘aeration’ (step 1) and use a ‘sieve’ (step 2) to filter. Though many technical jargons are used (MBR,SBR etc.) the basic concept is ‘aeration though fecal matter and sieving’ See figure below. For this to work THREE entities are required - Aerobic Bacteria ( which needs to be added every 1 hour - called ‘return sludge’ process, Food/Fecal Matter for bacteria ( 30% load is required ) and Oxygen ( Aeration) . These 3 items should be ‘balanced’ by an Operator - called ‘MLSS Management’

ECOSTP is based on gravity and natural principles with no Operators. The sewage flows though multiple chambers and the anaerobic bacteria decomposes the pollutants .We do not have fine air diffusers which are likely to get clogged.

ECOSTP solution is a ‘Bad Water in Good Water out’ system with no moving parts.

here are 3 anaerobic stages - Stage 1 Rumen Digester Filter , Stage 2 Rumen Digester Filter and Stage 3 Rumen Digester Filter. The 3 stages consists of advanced 12 step patented anaerobic filters. The last Stage 4 is the Plant Bio Filter.

There is no such MLSS Management as ours is a Natural System.
-Once in 2 years or 4 years ( this model has a bigger Stage 1 - Rumen Digester Filter)
BAR SCREEN is not mandatory ( Unlike Motor based STPs as the motors will get clogged ) as all the solids fall in our large Stage 1 tank and during desludging ( once in 2 years ) all the solids are removed. The choice is yours though.Our design philosophy is "Zero Maintenance - No one should touch the STP - Only once in 2 years it should be desludged"
-For Generations ! It is a civil structure consisting of bricks, concrete and PVC. It can last for, say as long as an Apartment . The only item which can possibly corrode is the PVC pipes - however as the system is sealed and no UV rays reach the PVC pipes, the wear and tear is very minimal . There are no moving parts.

-The anticipated time duration is as follows:
1. Completion of design - 2 weeks from receipt of work order
2. Civil construction - 2 weeks after #1
3. Commissioning and start-up - 1 day after #2 (Typical construction time is 2 months)
4. Training and handing over - 1 day after #3

The ECOSTP system can be incorporated into the existing land-use plan and it can be used for another purpose as ECOSTP is an underground structure. The top area can be a Tennis Court , Children Park etc. “Setback area” also is enough for us
It will take about 260 sqm. We need 2.6 sq m per KLD . You need a 'Tertiary Treatment' system consisting of a Plant Gravel Filter and Chlorinator/Ozoniser. will need 120 sqm . We need 1.2 sq m per KLD for the tertiary stage. However is space is not there we can deploy Activated Charcoal + Sand Filter in a 2 m x 2 m room.

--The ECOSTP works on natural principles using anaerobic bacteria . We need large underground tanks to hold the water ( 72 hours Hydraulic retention Time) and the bacteria will decompose the pollutants. Similar to ‘9 months for Pregnancy’ , natural laws cannot be changed!

However note that ECOSTP uses ZERO SPACE as the area is utilised for Road, Playground, Gym, Apartment Basement etc.

Conventional Motor based STPs use less space than ECOSTP but the area is BLOCKED and smelly and the area cannot be reused

Please call us. Our team will work and find out the best possible solution though it is difficult.
2.2 Metres from Invert Level ( the point where sewage enters) No - increasing depth will not make any difference.
Typically it ranges from 40,000 to 50,000 INR per KLD. ‘Civil’ means Cement, Steel, Pipes, Sand and Labour.
-No. Since ECOSTP is all covered, the mosquitoes cannot breed
-ECOSTP doesn’t need dedicated maintenance personnel unlike in conventional technologies since there are no electro – mechanical components involved. The only maintenance required is de-sludging once in 2 years. However we also do Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) We do monthly checks on water, engineer visits and annual desludging.
No - that is a function of ETP (effluent treatment plant ) ECOSTP is a STP (sewage treatment plant ) suitable for all organic wastewater
-Unlike conventional Wastewater treatment plants, the ECOSTP has no consumables. They do not require electricity or chemicals for their operations.
-No Issues . Usually the pH levels of cleaning agents and detergents reaches to normal after it interacts with rest of the water and gets diluted. We even have Hospitals using this technology and there are no issues.
-Yes you can - We can create two separate channels . However the overall size will go up by 10%

ECOSTP featured in AskNature Biological Strategies Database

Recognitions / Certifications