ECOSTP Execution Methodology

We provide the technology license - We call it the ECOSTP DIY Kit and the STP is constructed by the client by following our instructions using locally available materials. Though the execution is done by clients we take the ownership and ensure the STP is constructed flawlessly so that it lasts for generations.

Our execution philosophy built on the 3C model - Co-create, Co-execute and Co-evolve is inspired by the disciplined ant colony collective system with Biomimicry as the central theme.Please click on the three pillars of the 3 C model and the seven blocks to know our execution philosophy in detail.

Click on tabs above to know more about 3C model building blocks


Our execution philosophy is built on the 3C model - Co-create, Co-execute and Co-evolve. We deliver in collaboration with our clients—developing and maintaining enduring relationships which are built on a foundation of integrity, trust and competence. We listen and seek to understand our clients’ underlying interests and co-create the sewage treatment solution.

Our lean Six Sigma based mistake proofing discipline is baked in our sustainable implementation approach that combines our expertise and partner ecosystem solutions to bring deep value for our clients. Any change maker in the world can build a ECOSTP solution by using our DIY ECOSTP Kit and following our execution model based on our 3C model. The easy to understand Lego model designs and detailed step by step unitised work instructions using locally available materials and labour ensures a flawless execution on a low carbon footprint.

Our seven step Engagement Model

01The first step is to calculate the space required for the ECOSTP solution based on your requirements . For 1 KLD/M3 we need 2.6 sq m for Stage 1,2, and 3 and 1.2 sq m for Stage 4 Plant Bio Filter tertiary treatment. Our teams can help you calculate the space or you can use our space calculator wizard.

02The second step is to co-create the solution based on our clever wax design model to customize the four stages to the client environment ensuring that ECOSTP melts into available space. Early collaboration with key stakeholders will yield a diversity of design approaches and the most appropriate model is chosen. The approximate costing also is done at this stage.

03The third step is to create the detailed lego model DIY design. Our engineering teams engender a culture that values design excellence in everyday life. The clear AutoCAD(R) isometric modularized drawing shows each STP component in an easy to grasp layered manner. This DIY construction diagram with built in mistakeproofing checkpoints is used to construct the STP at site.

04The fourth step is to jointly create the BOQ register. BOQ is basically a list of all the components in a construction project along with their quantities, rate and cost.Line items in a BOQ can be construction activities like – excavation, foundation, brickwork etc. This estimation is done based on previous experience with similar projects.

05The fifth step is construction of the STP at site using locally available materials and labour based on the DIY kit. The best way to achieve schedule and maintain budget is a strict adherence to quality procedures, and only working with subcontractors who adhere to the same values who are driven by purpose.Civil construction is all Detail, detail, detail - it is always the little things that can make or break the success of your project.

06The sixth step is Quality Assurance and Quality Control which are extremely important aspects of the STP project without which successful completion of the project can’t be imagined. Our 45+ QC checkpoints and lean Six Sigma based mistake proofing discipline ensures total quality. We do the next step only after the quality standards are met.

07The seventh step is seeding/ inoculation of the ECOSTP system by bringing in suitable bacteria and other organisms to help biochemical reactions. The bacteria that make the ECOSTP work are naturally occurring bacteria which establish themselves in the tank and reproduce at a rapid rate. A catalyst is added to enhance the natural process - Every chamber and gravel filters are seeded with the culture sediments. Your 'built for generations ' ECOSTP is now ready!